Sundays are for family.

If there is any day of the week that you can spend with others, why not make it Sunday? Other than going to church, most people generally do not have anything else going on. Maybe do some grocery shopping, some cleaning around the house, catch up on tv shows, etc. For the most part, you’re not doing anything.

During the week, our lives are pretty hectic – work, maybe picking up kids from school or daycare, trying to fix dinner and get it on the table, get homework done, get bathed, clean the dishes, and try to get to bed at a decent time, just so we can wake up in a few hours and do it all over again. Saturdays generally aren’t a lot easier, as we are trying to pack everything in that we couldn’t get done during the week. 5 days worth of work to be completed in 1 day! Why can’t we find the time to stretch it out throughout the week? Are our lives really all that busy?

So here we are, sitting on the couch on a Sunday afternoon. Exhausted. Not looking forward to Monday, as the cycle starts anew. Getting motivated to do anything is hard enough. Your son or daughter is hounding you to come play with him or her. You’re completed drained. But just think, those days are numbered. In a few years, will your children still want to do the same things with you? In a few months? Days?

We can sacrifice a few minutes of rest to make the lives of those around us fuller. So take a day off from your normal, scheduled life, and look around you. Look to your left. Now to your right. Who do you see? Your spouse? Your child? Mother? Father? Give them a hug, a kiss, and ask a simple question:

“What can I do to make your day better?”

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